DON’T FACE UP for mobile


DON’T FACE UPは一人称視点のホラーゲームです。


足元には”DON’T FACE UP”(顔を上げるな)という文字が残されています。それが何を意味するのかわからないまま、あなたは建物の中の探索を進めます。自分の身に何が起きたのか、この場所で何が起こったのかを突き止めるために。


そんな中でも、あなたは建物の探索を進めなければいけません。ゆえに、”DON’T FACE UP”。顔をあげてはいけません。

DON’T FACE UP is a first-person horror game.

You wake up in a building you don’t recognize. No, you can’t remember who you are, let alone the building. You have lost your memory.

The words “DON’T FACE UP” are left at your feet. Unsure of what it means, you proceed to explore the building. You will have to find out what happened to you and what happened to this place.

They will appear at your side. Never make eye contact with them. They may appear and disappear. They may be standing in the direction you suddenly turn your eyes.

Even in such a situation, you must proceed with your search for the building. Therefore, “DON’T FACE UP.”


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